Sunday, June 07, 2009

A hike in the park

We went for a walk at a park nearby our house, here are a couple of shots of the walk, and some things we saw along the way. Forrest Park is the national park, there are quite a lot of walk-ways set out. We chose to take a walk to see the area.

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Monday, June 01, 2009

Cynfor and Jessie's Piano Recital

Sunday night was Cynfor and Jessie's Piano recital. Here are a couple of pictures of the event. They both performed well, and we had a good night.

Our new visitors/guests...

We have a bird-house, that we have had in the garden since we moved into the house. It looks like now we should call it our "bee house" - being that a set of bumble bee's have taken up residence. I am not charging them rent, but I am wondering if we should start to.

From what we have read on the internet, they will not stay long, so we are not bothered by them, if they don't bother us - otherwise we will most likely have to work out how to get rid of them.