The move in so far has gone well, we even have a TV to watch! (Although there is still an issue with nothing on - we are also short of channels - no cable...)
There are boxes all over the house at the moment, as we sort through things, although the number of full boxes is getting smaller by the hour as we are continually unpacking things.
The kids rooms are pretty much all done. We are ALL glad to be back in our own beds, after two months being in other beds that were not our own.
Tara has spent all day today sorting through the kitchen stuff, and unpacking more and more boxes. We found out very quickly that our kitchen in Australia had A LOT MORE cupboard space in Australia vs the USA.
The neighborhood is also quiet - by comparison to the noisy Portland streets (which we kind of miss sometimes!) Our next door neighbor said hello as we were moving in - this was kind of required, as the truck which held all of our stuff blocked their driveway as well as our place. The whole unpacking process was finished by just before we left to get the kids from school at around 2pm. The kids came home to most of the work being completed.
We have arranged for internet access as of Tuesday of next week (fingers crossed) - and that should mean we can get our home computer online again. At the moment it is sitting idle ready and waiting for the "blue cable..."
As soon as we have the internet back, we will send through some pictures of how things look after the unpacking. We are pretty close to getting everything set up the way we want it.