The weekend of January 12th, 2007 is the long weekend for Martin Luther King Jr. memorial day. Although the memorial day is actually a Monday.
We decided earlier in the week that we would head back up to Mount Hood to go skiing again. Jessie was very keen to learn how to Ski, after hearing and seeing how much fun Cynfor had been having the last time we went.
This time we decided to head to the lower part of Mount Hood, to a place called "Ski Bowl." This is a considerable way below the Mount Hood summit - and when you are part way up the bowl, you can see the summit clearly. It was an amazing day - weather wise. We headed out from home at around 7am, stopping in Sandy (about 30 - 40 minutes away from Mount Hood) for breakfast.
By the time we arrived at the Bowl, there were already a number of people - although our car space was ideal, as we were right out the front of the Ski School! Anyhow, we all registered for lessons - Tara, Jessie and myself went for beginners classes, and Cynfor was put up to a more advanced level - being he had had so much fun the last time.
Our lessons were not due to start until around 2pm, so because we had arrived so early, we figured we would have a play around on the Ski's. I tried my best to give Jessie some pointers on what she needed to understand, after hearing what Tara and Cynfor had learned the last time.
She picked up on the basics very quickly, and was ready go give it a faster effort at 2pm when our lesson started. Again, proved that kids get into skiing pretty quickly and easily - she was off like a duck to water within no time.
The only problem we found was that although Cynfor, Tara and myself were exhausted by around 3.30pm - Jessie wanted to keep on going! We had to call it a day, and headed back down the mountain - as it starts to get dark pretty early, we did not want to be driving down when the ice started to build.
Although the weather was fantastic - which I am sure you can probably gauge from the photographs below - it was still only around 26F (about -3C) - it was pretty cold!
By the time we had gotten home, all of us had some form of ache or pain, but were thinking about the next time we were hoping to get up to the mountain to go again.

The following is actually a video - not a very clear one (because of the sun), but you get the idea. You can see Cynfor coming down to a stop, showing his "expert skills!"