For some time now we have been talking about getting a Piano to allow Cynfor and Jessie to ensure they get the right feel. For several years now they have been practicing on my keyboard that I bought in Hong Kong.
Last night we were invited to a Piano sale at a company which is closing one of its stores. They had many Piano's for sale, we saw a lovely Steinway Grand, which had been rebuilt completely. The original price of the piano would have been around $70,000 new - but it was on sale for $33,000. (It was used, but it sounded fantastic when played.)
We were not interested in buying a grand piano - we don't have enough room in the house for it, so we purchased a smaller upright piano. Below is a picture from the Yamaha web-site, when we have it delivered we will have some pictures of it in the house, and maybe even upload a video of the kids playing it!
Cynfor and Jessie played a lot of piano's to ensure they found the "right one" and obviously Tara and I were conscious of the money side of things. All in all, we got a pretty good deal - we feel. It should be delivered on Wednesday, and we look forward to hearing the kids playing it.