Monday, July 27, 2009

Panorama Pictures in Hong Kong

The two pictures below are panoramic shots of Stanley and Kowloon - taken from different points. Sadly the Kowloon shot did not turn out the way I would have liked, but you get the idea of the skyline.


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Hong Kong's Tallest Building - FOR NOW!

The IFC (International Financial Centre) building in Hong Kong is the largest building today in Hong Kong. They are building a NEW building on the Kowloon side of Hong Kong, it is almost complete - and will be taller.

Check out the family standing in front of the building.


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Hong Kong - World Record Poster

This poster is entirely made from Stamps! You can see the Guiness Book of Records certificate displayed next to the poster, which shows how big the poster is. It is pretty impressive.

It is located in the main Hong Kong Post Office in Central.


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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Hong Kong - Stanley

After we arranged our Visa process we were free for a few days before our Passports were returned to us.

We did some tourist activities - including heading to Stanley Market, and below are some pictures of the Stanley area.




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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Stuck in Japan overnight...

On our trip to Hong Kong in order to renew our Visa's, we were unfortunately "stuck" in Japan overnight due to our connecting flight being cancelled. We stayed overnight in a nice hotel close to the Narita airport in Japan - about 1-2 hours drive from Tokyo. We did not go very far, actually pretty much stayed in the Hotel, here are some pictures of the garden area of the hotel, Cynfor and Jessie taking a look around.

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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Cynfor's BIG Match

Cynfor was lucky enough to be able to play at 1/2 time of the Timbers game. The Timbers are the local Soccer team for Portland, who are headnig for a position in the national league in the USA. It is becoming a big following in Portland, and the crowd that night was very big - around 10,000 or more people.

Cynfor and his team THUSC Iron - were very happy being able to play on the field in front of such a large crowd. Here are some pictures from that evening.

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Sunday, June 07, 2009

A hike in the park

We went for a walk at a park nearby our house, here are a couple of shots of the walk, and some things we saw along the way. Forrest Park is the national park, there are quite a lot of walk-ways set out. We chose to take a walk to see the area.

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Monday, June 01, 2009

Cynfor and Jessie's Piano Recital

Sunday night was Cynfor and Jessie's Piano recital. Here are a couple of pictures of the event. They both performed well, and we had a good night.

Our new visitors/guests...

We have a bird-house, that we have had in the garden since we moved into the house. It looks like now we should call it our "bee house" - being that a set of bumble bee's have taken up residence. I am not charging them rent, but I am wondering if we should start to.

From what we have read on the internet, they will not stay long, so we are not bothered by them, if they don't bother us - otherwise we will most likely have to work out how to get rid of them.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

2009 Ceramic Fair

We headed out to a ceramic fair in Portland this weekend. There was some lovely work being shown, which you could also buy - BUT Cynfor and Jessie were more interested in trying to make their own stuff - as you can see in the pictures below.



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Friday, April 17, 2009

2009 Flute Recital

Cynfor and Jessie's flute recital was on April 17th, 2009. Both of them played very well. Below are the pictures of the whole group who played, and Cynfor and Jessie with their flute teacher. At the bottom - check out the size of the flute that Jessie is standing "under." Yes - this is a flute, and the flute teacher demonstrated it at the recital. It is a "contra bass" flute - and the sound is two octaves lower than a normal flute. Very lovely sound, but apparently takes a lot more effort to play to make the sound come out - a lot of hard blowing!




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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Cynfor and Jessie playing Piano

Cynfor and Jessie were invited to help thank the volunteers at the school at their "Volunteer Luncheon." Both of them played piano as part of a mini concert to thank the volunteers.




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