Thursday, August 31, 2006

A long weekend coming...

This coming weekend will be the labor day weekend here. Monday is a holiday, and then Tuesday the new school year starts.

Because of the long weekend, we are going up to Seattle to visit some of Tara's friends and spend a weekend away before we get back into the normal school routine.

Cynfor and Jessie today met some of the teachers at the new school they will be attending. Cynfor was able to meet his teacher today in the 3rd Grade. Jessie's teacher is currently down in California for a weekend wedding, but she did get to see her classroom, and meet one of the other 2nd Grade teachers.

Both of them are excited about going to school, and are looking forward to meeting their new classmates, and the other teachers. So far, the teachers that they have met, have been terrific. The principal is also a terrific guy.

After we return on either Sunday or Monday (we are still working out if we are going to stay an extra night) - we will be in touch - hopefully with some pictures to put online of our "Seattle Adventure."

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