Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Cynfor's new soccer look...

Cynfor has been enrolled into the local soccer group, and here he is with his new uniform on - doesn't he look smart! He is going to training on Monday and Wednesday nights - just started last Monday. The coach is already saying he will be an asset to the team! They play on Saturday mornings - before 12 mid-day, and generally play around the local area. He is excited about his first game, and loves getting out on the field and playing with the kids. It is a lot of fun, with a lot of involvement from the parents - a good social exercise!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Harry Kewell (not sure of the spelling of the surname) eat your heart out.

I noticed the obligatory Nike socks. I could not tell from the photograph whether the boots were also Nike.

Pity the colours are Blue and Gold not Green and Gold.

Good Luck Cynfor I am sure you will make a worthy team member.