Thursday, November 09, 2006

Crater lake - long drive, quick glance...

Tara and I decided to head south to see Crater lake. The weather when we left was average (raining on and off, and getting cold) and we did not know if we were going to be able to see anything. The last time I had visited there was snow across the top, and I was not able to see any part of the lake itself, just the edge of the crater - as the cloud was covering it.

Here you will see some of the strange feeling that we had standing on top. So - imagine that the temperature was around 32F (0C) - then with the WIND it must have felt closer to 20F (lets just say - very very cold!)

We did not stay for very long (for obvious reasons) - but did enjoy taking a look.

Mind you - the drive is a 5 hour each way, so it was a LONG day. Next time we will go at the start of summer, and probably stay at the bottom of the lake at a hotel.

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