Friday, December 21, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Being so far away for Christmas, it is difficult to make sure we have passed on our wishes to everyone.

We have sent a few cards out, but now that time appears to have gotten away from us, we have decided that we would like to make sure we get to as many people by posting a Christmas note on our blog.

Tara, Cynfor, Jessie and myself would like to pass our best wishes to you all during this Christmas season, and offer you our wishes for a properous and fun new year.

I know that we have plans to enjoy our time during the festive season, and sure that all of you will also!

We are heading to Central Oregon tomorrow to spend hopefully a WHITE Christmas, with my parents, and us. We should have some lovely pictures to share when we return AFTER December 28th.

We won't have internet access (I am already feeling withdrawal) - so we won't necessarily be in touch with friends and family until we return.

Strawberry Pavlova...

Tara cooked a lovely Pavlova decorated with Strawberries, and Kiwi fruit. She took it to work, and it was devoured in minutes, many people loved it - so we thought we would share the recipe with our friends.

Strawberry Pavlova

4 egg whites
3/4 cup caster sugar (fine bakers sugar)
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1 teaspoon vinegar

1 1/4 cups thick cream
250g strawberries, halved
Note: Although strawberries are common as a toping, other fruits work well, Kiwi, Banana, Mango, or a combination of your favorites. (Berries are often best)

1. Preheat oven to very slow 120C (250F)
2. Place baking paper (parchment) onto a flat baking tray. Using a 20cm (8in) round cake tin as a guide, mark a circle in the center of the prepared tray. (Note: During baking, the Pavlova will spread a little, so make sure you have sufficient space on the tray outside of the 20cm tin marking.)
3. Place egg whites in a DRY small mixing bowl - and using electric beaters (we used our KitchenAid Mixer without issue) beat for 1 minute, or until soft peaks form.
4. Add the caster sugar gradually, 1 tablespoon at a time, beating constantly, until the mixture is thick and glossy and all of the sugar has dissolved.
5. Add vanilla essence and vinegar, beat until combined.
6. Pile the meringue onto your marked circle on the prepared tray.
7. Bake for 1 1/4 hours (or until pale and crisp).
8. DO NOT REMOVE from the oven. Once cooking has completed, simply open the oven door, and let the Pavlova cool inside the oven.
9. After it has cooled, transfer it onto a serving plate.
10. Beat cream until whipped, and spread on top of Pavlova.
11. Decorate with fruit, and it is ready to serve.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Trip to the Gorge

Multnomah Falls - In the late Autumn

The family in front of the falls

John and the kids in front of the falls.

Tara and the kids at the base of the falls.

An East view look at the Gorge at dusk.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

San Francisco - Thanksgiving 2007 (Part 2)

Beautiful Pacific Ocean.
Alcatraz island (prison) behind Cynfor
Crooked street
Family in front of the post card buildings

Some more pictures below...

San Francisco - Thanksgiving 2007 (Part 1)

Jelly Belly tour. Yum...
Jessie, open your eyes. Here is the famous Golden Gate Bridge!
Would you look at the crooked street in the world?
Here is the Aussie mob.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

The Pumkin Patch

The Hayride was bumpy...

They tackled the huge corn maze with confidence. It took about 30 minutes.

Oh my goodness, where is our perfect pumpkin in this big orange field?

Is this a good one? Jessie is not helping much!

Found the PERFECT Pumkin. Yeah...

Happily go home with a big pumkin!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Cynfor's 10th Birthday!

Breakfast in bed!

Can you tell he loves his new soccer boot?

Radio clock from Rosie and John...

Liverpool Jersey from his Dad

Bowling Party with his friends...

His favourite Cookie cake

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

More new pictures of the house

We are quite settled in now, and there are some more pictures that I have added to the slideshow below. If you click on one, it will take you to the album, and you can flick through much faster.


Saturday, September 01, 2007

After the move in - pictures...

The dining and living area

The TV (looking small in the large room) and fireplace of the living room

Cynfor's bedroom

Jessie's bedroom

Master bedroom (our bedroom - I know, the bed needs to be made!)

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Friday, August 31, 2007

We have moved!

Last night was our first night in our new house. It was very exciting, and not a great night - we learned very quickly that we did not know how good it was with air conditioning and at least a fan in the room! The night was quite hot, and with all of the activity of the day, we were hot!

We will take some pictures of the house with furniture soon, it looks more like a house now - and we are very happy with the "personal touches" that we made.

Most of the day yesterday was moving, as was also the effort cleaning the house we were renting - making sure that it was all done so we did not have to go back again.

I am learning to be my own "handy man" - installing a toilet (yes - A TOILET) - which was removed when we had the flooring done (it took me 4 attempts before I got it right - at least I know all the things I need to do if I need to do it again!). I have installed a range (that is a oven/stove combination), moved the refrigerator in, hung some curtains, oh and a heap of other odd jobs. I am enjoying it actually.

The weekend will be spent mostly unpacking I expect. The weather has cooled a little, so at least it will not be so hot to work in. I think we will all deserve a rest after this though, we are all pretty tired of taking boxes up and down stairs, and unpacking in our rooms!

Look for the pictures soon.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Cynfor and Jessie are Back!

Breakfast in IKEA.

Stepping into our new house.

Happy to see the new house.

Check out the new hardwood floor.