Friday, August 31, 2007

We have moved!

Last night was our first night in our new house. It was very exciting, and not a great night - we learned very quickly that we did not know how good it was with air conditioning and at least a fan in the room! The night was quite hot, and with all of the activity of the day, we were hot!

We will take some pictures of the house with furniture soon, it looks more like a house now - and we are very happy with the "personal touches" that we made.

Most of the day yesterday was moving, as was also the effort cleaning the house we were renting - making sure that it was all done so we did not have to go back again.

I am learning to be my own "handy man" - installing a toilet (yes - A TOILET) - which was removed when we had the flooring done (it took me 4 attempts before I got it right - at least I know all the things I need to do if I need to do it again!). I have installed a range (that is a oven/stove combination), moved the refrigerator in, hung some curtains, oh and a heap of other odd jobs. I am enjoying it actually.

The weekend will be spent mostly unpacking I expect. The weather has cooled a little, so at least it will not be so hot to work in. I think we will all deserve a rest after this though, we are all pretty tired of taking boxes up and down stairs, and unpacking in our rooms!

Look for the pictures soon.

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