Sunday, April 22, 2007

Another year older...

Although I know that she is not necessarily happy about it, Tara celebrated her birthday on April 10th! As you can see by the small cake above, we did not necessarily make a huge deal out of the event. Actually the size of the cake was chosen as we don't all necessarily eat a lot of cake, so we did not want to waste it!

Anyhow, we had a good night, Tara chose a lovely Japanese restaurant to go for dinner, which we have been to several times before. It is very good food. We have heard that it is also quite traditional. We had a quiet dinner as a family, then when we returned home, we were too full to eat cake - so we left the cake until the next night!

Anyhow, some pictures of her cake, and her blowing out the "never die" candle.

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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I am glad Tara enjoyed her Birthday. I hope she did not eat all the cake at once.

As you know, Easter Sunday was a very eventful day for us.