So, in the USA Independance Day is a significant celebration. We knew that it was full of fireworks, and a lot of the stores were closed - but we did not realize how many fireworks until late into the evening.
The day started normally enough, actually we headed to Washington Square (a large shopping centre here in Portland), where I had to try to return something at a store. We wandered around a little - noting that there were a lot less people in the shopping centre than normal. It probably had a lot to do with the weather being around 30C - many people had chosen to head out to the coast/beach, or similar.
After we finished there, we headed to Blockbuster to rent a DVD - TV during the summer here is quite bad - nothing much to watch except for trashy reality TV programs (I have no idea how many ways they can change "American Idol" - but there must be so many different versions of the same format of show it is silly.)
We watched the DVD after we got home, and waited until dark - as we had some fireworks of our own to let off. After watching the DVD we switched on and watched the New York fireworks, which are set to music - and were amazing to watch. Sydney at New Years and Chinese New Years in Hong Kong are small by comparison to what they let off in New York. There were three simultanious barges letting off fireworks to music. It was very spectatular - and well coreographed. ("I see trees of GREEN (BOOM Green fireworks), Red roses to (BOOM, the sky is filled with red)...)
Then - after that - the local fireworks started. We had heard little pops and whistles all night - but it got quite busy. Mind you it was around 10pm when the excitement started - as it is dark very late here in summer.
We headed out, and all we could hear were BANGs and WHISTLEs of fireworks going off. We let some off in the street also, but it was an amazing thing to be around. It was almost like every block of houses had around four or five people shooting up their packets of fireworks.
It was quite enjoyable, and sadly for us, something that Tara and I got to enjoy without the kids - who I am sure would have loved every minute of it.
Anyhow - that was our first 4th of July! (By the way - the photograph above is not one that I took!)
1 comment:
I wonder if the fireworks display was as good as the Mooroolbark Red Earth Festival.
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