Sunday, June 22, 2008

Back from Hawaii...

Well, it has been a great week for us spending time in Hawaii. We were on Oahu, the most common island as part of the grouping of the 8 major islands. There is surprisingly a lot to do there. There is a fantastic Polynesian cultural centre, which was amazing - where we had a Luau, watched a show, and were introduced to six different Polynesian cultures from New Zealand, Tonga, Samoa, Hawaii, Fiji and Tahiti.

We arrived back this morning to an overcast Portland morning, after being treated to sunshine for the most part in Hawaii - it was a little depressing. We have also confirmed the kids arrived safely in China - where they will spend their summer with their dad, and Tara's mum arrived safely back in Melbourne albeit delayed by 1 hour because of a delay in Hawaii.

Anyhow, below are some pictures from our trip!

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