Friday, November 28, 2008

Kids versus Parents!

This year Cynfor's soccer team parents felt it would be worth the effort to have a game with the kids. Although the game was all in fun, I think the parents were worse for wear afterwards. One of the parents had been injured on the Monday night trial game, so Friday's game was a couple of parents short.

I attempted to get out, although the other parents did most of the work, we all had a great time. I think if the team stays together - it may become a regular event!

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Anonymous said...

I was impressed by the parent player wearing the plain grey top and black pants. He looked a lot like Darren. I also watched the short UTube of Cynfor's final. Well done! I also looked at the Christmas decorations. Impressive!

Anonymous said...

I had copy some cynfor play soccer photos and print it to show
it to my friends

Anonymous said...

The comments 2 write by Zhenbo Y.