Tuesday, September 05, 2006

First Day to School

Today is Cynfor and Jessie's first day to their new school.
They seem enjoy it very much. They couldn't stop talking about it on the way back... Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Cynfor and Jessie,congratulate you were start going to the new school.Could you tell me your felt about the first day for going to the new school.

Anonymous said...

Cynfor and Jessie I hope you like your new school.

Can you tell me what is different about the school in USA compared with the Schools in Australia.

For a start it looks as though you do not have to wear a uniform.

Do you learn different subjects or is it just the same as in Australia.

Do you play sport at school? What sports do you play? Baseball? Soccer? Basketball?

How big are your classes?

Send me an email and let me know.