Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Thanksgiving dinner...

We were lucky enough to have been invited to a good friend of mines place for dinner on Thanksgiving Thursday. For those of you who are not aware of the tradition around Thanksgiving, is based around the giving thanks for the previous years harvest - hence the amount of food eaten. (More information about thanksgiving can be found here )

The evening was a lot of fun. We ate very early starting at around 4pm, which was fine, and also generally part of the tradition. We ate our main course, which is primarily turkey with many different vegetables, and stuffing.

We then took a break from eating, and while the kids played games with the other children there on the night, the adults played cards - which was great fun. We had a great laugh. After a bit of a food break, we ate desert, which was a pumpkin cheesecake (sounds strange, but was very nice) and an apple crumble style of desert (also very nice!)

The night ended at around 8.30pm for us, so quite early. The second photograph is the family, and Don and Gayle (my friends for a long time - around 8 years or more! Since I lived in Hong Kong at least!) Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe, you will experience a white Christmas after all.