Monday, January 01, 2007

Our trip to Astoria

On Saturday, December 30th 2006, we went to the Oregon coast to meet up with Tara's friends from Seattle. Astoria is probably the most northern coastal town in Oregon, and below are some pictures taken from the Astoria Column, which sits on top of the hill overlooking the town.

We did go up to the top, Cynfor was not happy about the heights, coming down the stairs was a slow walk. He was not very happy about it, but here is the photograph to prove he did it!


Anonymous said...

Cynfor, I am surprised that you were not happy about heights, considering that you were skiing on Mt. Hood. Despite you not liking the heights, you made it to the top. Well done!

Anonymous said...

Cynfor, I forgot to ask what the T3 on your hat stood for. Perhaps you can email me and tell me.

If you have any excess water perhaps you can email that to us all in Australia, particularly in Melbourne. If it does not rain here soon we may run out of water all together. It has not rained here consistently for ages.