Sunday, July 29, 2007

Our trip to Vancouver B.C. (Canada)

We headed out from home after work on Friday, starting toward Seattle, where we were going to stay the night with friends.

We headed out Saturday morning toward the Canadian border, and after a total trip time of around 6 hours (for both days), we reached Vancouver. It reminds us a lot of Hong Kong, many of the apartment buildings in the city are multi-story, and they are everywhere!

We have done a number of tourist things - although the weather has been a little cloudy on Sunday. Monday we hope to head over to Vancouver Island, and see more of Victoria.

Here are some pictures below of what we have been up to!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

新增的许多图片都看到了,那两小孩和母亲是什么人,是在加国或那里的朋友吗。告诉你,我的妹玉娇在吉隆坡去世了。 辉他们快回美国了吧