Saturday, December 20, 2008

And the snow continues...

Well, what a week it has been. The kids have missed school all week, as they were closed, the office closed early on Wednesday due to the weather - and today the snow has been here ALL DAY and is still here (at 8.20pm the time I am writing this.)

It is amazing to see, and it does look beautiful - BUT you get a little bored of it, and it shows you only how much TV you can watch, and other things to do inside the house. It is funny, it is like you hate being caught in the house when you must be, only keen to get out - but otherwise (when you are not caught) you want to stay!

Anyhow, check out our pictures. Our only want is to have the snow stay until Christmas, which is when it is more than welcome to start heading away. We are expecting frozen rain after mid-night tonight (not quite sure what that is, but it will be interesting) - then it is supposed to start getting warmer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
