Sunday, December 21, 2008

What a night - snow, ice, ice then snow again...

Well, over 1 week after it started, the snow and ice is still coming. The amount of snow that came last night was around 7 inches (depending on the news service, and where you measured it). When we went out of the house today, we found that there was a layer of around 1/8th of an inch of ice on top of the snow. 

Cynfor, Jessie and myself wandered out for a walk (very crunchy) - looking around the area for how things had survived the night with the cold. (It got to a low of around -6C) 

This afternoon it started raining again (what they call ice rain - which is basically small water drops that have turned to ice before they hit the ground.) It did not take long before it started snowing again. We look to have had approximately another inch, and they are predicting more again tonight and tomorrow. 

Tara's work have closed for tomorrow due to the conditions. Lucky for Jessie, Cynfor and myself - we are already on our holidays. So looks like another family day at home. 

There are more pictures that we have added to the album from the note we posted yesterday. I have put a couple of pictures here of Cynfor and Jessie and their ice. 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These photographs remind us of Sun River last year.