Monday, January 01, 2007

Skiing on Mount Hood!

New Year's Eve, and we got up pretty early to head up to Mount Hood to get some skiing in. The kids were excited, and the weather turned out fantastic! Sadly, Jessie was not able to Ski on the day, because we were not able to get her fitted into a class with kids of her age. We plan to get her a chance next time. There were not a lot of areas to really play in the snow, without fear of being hit by a snowboarder or skier! So she and I spent most of the time going back and forth between watching Tara and Cynfor ski, and Timberline lodge, which had a warm fireplace, and a table for us to sit and watch through the windows in heated comfort! It was not really a cold day, and once you stood out for a while, you were quite hot. Tara even took her gloves off because she was so hot!

By the end of the day, Cynfor was skiing downhill like he had always been able to do it, and Tara was saying that her arms and back ached through all the work they had been through.

We were all very tired, so by around 11pm, we were all in bed sleeping - at midnight, we heard fireworks going off, but to be honest, I think we were all so tired, it did not matter. It was a great day had by all - even if we did miss the start of the new year!


Anonymous said...

a cold season, take care to wearer more.

Anonymous said...

You all look as though you have been skiing all your life.

Hope you had a great time. I understand you may be going skiing again on another day. I hope you have more fun then.