Sunday, August 20, 2006

Check out the view!

Jessie had just awoken in the car, so she was not impressed about being purched up to take a picture, BUT I bet she is glad she did !

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jessie and Cynfor,

Zac missed his walk yesterday and this morning, so I took him on a long walk this afternoon (Monday 21 August our time). Nearly walked his legs off. He was very thirsty when we got back.

He misses his 2 younger friends who walked with him so much. He has still not returned to his Ringwood home. I believe he may be with us for another few weeks yet.

He is still bewildered by Lachlan's cries. The other night he was inside and whenever Lachlan cried he barked. That upset Lachlan and made him cry more. The more he cried the more Zac barked. What a circus!

Hope you find a nice School to attend when your house has been chosen.