They are now slowly getting back into a normal sleep routine, going to bed earlier, and getting up earlier, in readiness for their return to school. The school "Bethany Elementary" has accepted both of the kids, and have a very friendly and understanding staff. I met with the principal today to discuss their school system, as well as how Bethany operates. The kids are very excited to be returning.
Tara has also found information about a local Chinese (Madarin) school in the area, which is also a bonus. It is about 5 minutes from where we will be living, and runs on Saturday's. She hopefully will have a chance to speak to their school president tomorrow, and finalise that.
All in all, things are starting to settle down now. We will have keys to the house on the 8th of September, and hope to move in either that weekend, or during the following week - depending on how we go for timing. (The kids will be back at school - we are concious of that.)
Once we move in, just a few other things to arrange, like a small car - which will allow me to get to work, while Tara drives the "truck" we are loaning from friends. We also need to go "appliance shopping" - looking for things like an electric kettle, and my favourite - a BIG SCREEN HIGH DEFINITION TV. (Although I am still working on convincing Tara that this is a good thing! - I will have to take her to show her, it is AMAZING.) I will put a picture of that online some other time!

Looks as though the Bald Eagle is almost as good as the Wedge Tail Eagle at Healesville Sanctuary.
This time Darren was not there so the eagle did not part his hair as it flew by.
Sounds like the children are enjoying themselves before returning to school.
On Australian TV last night (Thursday 24 August)there was a documentary on Base Jumpers who had winged suits. These enabled them to fly (glide) as they descended from high cliffs in snow covered mountain ranges .
They glided for well over a minute before deploying their parachutes. The Base Jumpers told us the experience was the closest thing to real flying.
To cynfor and Jessie: read your message and saw the pictures, jessie and cynfor looks are very happy. did jessie and cynfor received julie's reply form the
e_mail? I hope you both always contact to inprove writing and understand each other.
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