Friday, August 18, 2006

House hunting...

Today we headed out, on a 32C day, for some house hunting. We saw some great places, and some average places. We found one house which we have put an application in for - in a good school area, and relatively close to Nike. (There is a picture below - if all goes well, we will put more up if/when we move in...)

The weekend will be pretty quiet, possibly acting like tourists, go and check out some sights. We are going to dinner with some work friends - who are over from Asia - tomorrow (Saturday) night. We are eating Brazilian. (We will tell you what it is like later.)

PS The house application DOES NOT mean that we are able to get the house. We need to wait until we have heard if our application is successful. We will not know until the middle of this next week.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The house look many rooms and monthly fee?